Upcoming Events

Sunday September 22nd: Pastoral Installation for Pastor Wes at 4:00 pm.

Saturday October 12th: Scrapbook Crop and Raffle 9:30 am-9:00 pm.

Friday October 18th: Fall Revival Service at the church 7:00 pm

Saturday October 26th: Fish and Chips hosted by Tastefully British at 5:00 pm.

Sunday October 27th: Trunk or Treat Event Sponsored by Christian Education from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

September Sermon Series

Beginning Sunday September 8th, we will be in a sermon series titled “Our Spiritual DNA”. It’s a great way to kick off the Sunday School year.

Pastoral Installation

Save the Date for the Pastoral Installation of Pastor Wes. He looks forward to celebrating with the church and community on what God has done.


If you have any questions about the events listed in the calendar above, feel free to send an email to hawthornefrc@gmail.com or call the church at 973-427-2979

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